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Destini at Starlight Lotus Energy Healing

A different approach to well being


About Starlight Lotus
Energy Healing

Starlight Lotus Energy Healing sessions are all done remotely by

certified practitioner Destini.

She is a radiant beacon of light in the realm of energy healing, as she draws upon a rich tapestry of ethereal beings to facilitate profound transformation and spiritual awakening in her clients.

With over five years of experience in this sacred practice; she began her journey as a certified healer, and light working practitioner in 2019 shortly after she experienced a miraculous rebirth from an incurable terminal illness that she had endured for 21 years.

Destini channels the healing energies of a diverse array of Divine Ethereal beings, including but not limited to; angels, dragons, fairies, unicorns and ascended masters, as well as plants and crystals.

free 15min discovery call to speak with Destini on the phone about an energy healing session

Free Discovery Call

A 15-minute free discovery session on the phone with Destini offers individuals an opportunity to explore their spiritual journey and specific needs, providing a glimpse into her intuitive guidance and healing approach, fostering clarity and alignment before embarking on a personalized healing journey.

15 Min


1hr regular energy healing session with Destini

Regular Energy Healing Session

A one-hour energy healing session with Destini encompasses a holistic journey of spiritual renewal, guided by intuitive connections with ethereal beings, crystal energies, oracle insights, and channeled art, tailored to harmonize mind, body, and spirit, while offering profound healing and transformation.



30 min energy healing session with Destini for children under the age of 12

Child Energy Healing Session

A 30-minute energy healing session with Destini, designed specifically for infants and children under the age of 12, gently nurtures their well-being through intuitive connections with ethereal beings, soothing crystal energies, and playful oracle insights, fostering balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit with care and compassion.

30 MIn


energy healing sessions for real estate with Destini from Starlight Lotus Energy Healing

Real Estate Energy Healing Session

An energy healing session for real estate spaces with Destini involves the clearing and harmonization of energetic imbalances, utilizing ethereal connections, crystal energies, and intuitive insights to create an environment conducive to balance, productivity, and positive energy flow.



Business or Entity energy healing session with Destini from Starlight Lotus Energy Healing

Business/Entity Energy Healing or Channeling Session

An energy healing or channeled discovery session with Destini delves into the muses and energies behind an entity or business, tapping into ethereal connections, intuitive insights, and creative inspiration to align with the essence and purpose of the enterprise, fostering growth, innovation, and success.



Energy Healing for Pets with Destini from Starlight Lotus Energy Healing

Pet Energy Healing

An energy healing session for pets with Destini utilizes gentle ethereal connections and intuitive insights to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, fostering balance and harmony in their lives.

30 Min


Dream Interpretation session by Destini from Starlight Lotus Energy Healing

Dream Interpretation

A dream interpretation session with Destini, lasting between 1 to 2 hours, involves channeled messages and insights from her divine connection to heaven, resulting in a detailed write-up or audio file response that explores the dream's meaning and any additional guidance received from the ethereal realms.



Energy Healing Benefits for the body, mind and soul


By harmonizing the body's energy centers and clearing blockages, energy healing promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall vitality. Moreover, it can alleviate chronic pain, accelerate the body's natural healing processes, and boost the immune system.


On an emotional level, energy healing helps release stored emotions, promotes emotional resilience, and fosters inner peace and emotional balance. Spiritually, it facilitates a deeper connection with one's higher self, promotes spiritual growth, and assists in aligning with one's purpose and highest potential. Overall, energy healing offers a holistic approach to wellness, supporting individuals in achieving optimal health and vitality in all aspects of their lives.

I had Destini do some energy healing for my 2yr old son, he was dealing with anxiety and digestive troubles. During the session, he calmed right down and settled quickly. Then went right to sleep. After the sessions was finished, he was so happy and hasn't had digestive issues since! I love how intune with him she was, how relaxed he was. The session was remote, so was super convenient for me.



I had a very magical experience with Destini and the unicorns. She's very gifted, and I feel particularly blessed to receive an audio and psychic upgrade. Thank you!! 🙏✨️🦄


I felt tingling in my hand during the session with Destini. I saw an angel in golden armor and felt my angel wings stretch. I felt lighter and I felt like my heart was a rose gently opening it's petals.


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